Oct 6, 2017
It's another busy week at the Worst. Comic. Podcast. EVER! Let's cut out the jibber-jabber and get right into the podcast, OK?
First up is John's interview with artist Morgan Beem, whose work you will see next week with the release of The Family Trade #1 by Image Comics. The guys got to meet Morgan at Rose City Comic Con last month and fell in love with her artwork. John interviewed Morgan before she took off for New York Comic Con, which is going on right now! Look for The Family Trade on shelves next Wednesday.
Next up, John bravely took one for the team and watched Marvel's Inhumans, Gifted, and the first three episodes of Star Trek: Discovery. Listen in to figure out which ones he liked or didn't like, and what he is most likely to keep tuning in for this season.
Then all three guys discuss Marvel Legacy #1, which came out last week. This is a giant-size issue kicking off the next big thing from Marvel Comics. We see the first incarnation of the Avengers, from the dawn of humankind. We get teases to Wakanda in space, the Kingpin as Mayor of New York City, and the long overdue return of the Fantastic Four. We run through some of the upcoming titles launching out of Legacy to see which ones intrigue us and which ones we may wait to see in the quarter bins at a future show.
We would love to hear your comments on the show. Let us know what you've been reading or watching this week. Contact us on our website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or by email. We want to hear from you! As always, we are the Worst. Comic. Podcast. EVER! and we hope you enjoy the show.
The Worst. Comic. Podcast. EVER! is proudly sponsored by Clint’s Comics. Clint’s is located at 3941 Main in Kansas City, Missouri, and is open Monday through Saturday. Whether it is new comics, trade paperbacks, action figures, statues, posters, or T-shirts, the friendly and knowledgeable staff can help you find whatever it is that you need. You should also know that Clint’s has the most extensive collection of back issues in the metro area. If you need to find a particular book to finish the run of a title, head on down to Clint’s or check out their website at clintscomics.com. Tell them that the Worst. Comic. Podcast. EVER! sent you.