Oct 4, 2019
Without trying to jinx ourselves, we hopefully have seen the last days of summer and can now fully embrace the fall season, specifically October. Some people are here for the pumpkin spice, but the guys from the Worst. Comic. Podcast. EVER! are here for the monsters.
Over the next four weeks, we are going to be looking at the legendary monsters of comic books (as well as movies, television shows and classic novels). And to get things started, we will take a look at Frankenstein's Monster from writer Mary Shelley.
Frankenstein's Monster has been depicted in many ways over the years. Surprisingly, many takes are very true to the original Shelley novel, but we see variations of the theme across multiple eras. Whether he is a mindless beast or an Agent of S.H.A.D.E., Frankenstein can be dropped into almost any story with minimal introduction.
We also have our weekly Pick 3 choices. Jerry throws the guys a curve by choosing a book outside of his normal reading list. This isn't just any random book - this pick will be going into the Guinness Book of World Records. Seriously!
John has another updated on Titans, Cullen talks about a new comic initiative from Axel Alonso, and Jerry has been taking advantage of his local library. With all of this FREE goodness this week, finish reading and start listening!
We would love to hear your comments on the show. Let us know what you've been reading or watching this week. Contact us on our website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or by email. We want to hear from you! As always, we are the Worst. Comic. Podcast. EVER! and we hope you enjoy the show.
The Worst. Comic. Podcast. EVER! is proudly sponsored by Clint’s Comics. Clint’s is located at 3941 Main in Kansas City, Missouri, and is open Monday through Saturday. Whether it is new comics, trade paperbacks, action figures, statues, posters, or T-shirts, the friendly and knowledgeable staff can help you find whatever it is that you need. You should also know that Clint’s has the most extensive collection of back issues in the metro area. If you need to find a particular book to finish the run of a title, head on down to Clint’s or check out their website at clintscomics.com. Tell them that the Worst. Comic. Podcast. EVER! sent you.