Feb 9, 2018
If you've read any comic books over the last 30 years, odds are you have read a Ron Randall issue or two along the way. From Conqueror of the Barren Earth to Justice League International to Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire and most recently Future Quest, Ron's pencils and stories have covered every possible genre there is.
But the one book he is most associated with is his own creation, Trekker, which is the ongoing adventures of bounty hunter Mercy St. Clair. Since the late 1980s, Ron has been telling Mercy's story at Dark Horse Comics.
Ron has a new set of Trekker stories to get out, and he has a Kickstarter launching on February 20 to make that happen. The work is done; the Kickstarter is to cover the publishing costs, so you will see the finished product if you support this initiative. Check back in here in two weeks, and we will have a link to the Kickstarter.
In the meantime, check out Ron Randall's website to see all of the different projects he's worked on, and where you can sample Trekker before you buy it. And you will buy it, trust us!
In addition, if you are in the Portland area this weekend, you will find Ron set up at I Like Comic Con. Not only will Ron be set up there in a jam-packed artist alley, but you will also find Cullen there representing the Hero Initiative.
We would love to hear your comments on the show. Let us know what you've been reading or watching this week. Contact us on our website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or by email. We want to hear from you! As always, we are the Worst. Comic. Podcast. EVER! and we hope you enjoy the show.
The Worst. Comic. Podcast. EVER! is proudly sponsored by Clint’s Comics. Clint’s is located at 3941 Main in Kansas City, Missouri, and is open Monday through Saturday. Whether it is new comics, trade paperbacks, action figures, statues, posters, or T-shirts, the friendly and knowledgeable staff can help you find whatever it is that you need. You should also know that Clint’s has the most extensive collection of back issues in the metro area. If you need to find a particular book to finish the run of a title, head on down to Clint’s or check out their website at clintscomics.com. Tell them that the Worst. Comic. Podcast. EVER! sent you.